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Writer's pictureAmy Orlovich


I needed a desk for my office. While at this little junk shop, my husband found a heavily varnished desk for $5. Upon closer examination and a bit of online research, we found that it had been used at a local candy shop and before that as a typing desk from the WWII era used by the Air Force. We paid the $5 and brought it home. After a sanding away of the layers, a dusting of the remaining old material, a few coats of paint and a final coat of clear coat for protection, it is now at use in my office. It has a new start.

It is a new year, 2013, and for many, we find ourselves heavily covered in muck. Choices and circumstances of our past have stained us, and we need a new beginning, a new start. I would suggest that a new beginning is possible for everyone. With hard work, a sanding away of the old, and a new outlook or new normal, we can be made new. This new beginning can be found in time with Jesus, a close friend, counseling, or any combination of these. Repurposing furniture and common items is a craze right now. Repurpose means to “adapt for use in a different purpose.” May this new year encourage us to repurpose the used areas in our lives for great, new purposes.

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” - Lamentations 3:22-23 NIV

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